POGs - Principles of Obstetrics & Gynaecology

This is a Regional Training Programme designed to supplement your training in years 1&2 and has been linked to the College Curriculum.

Attendance is mandatory and monitored.

The course is held on the third Tuesday of the month and the venue being Birmingham Women’s Hospital.

Your Trust will release you for this protected teaching programme and the programme is funded through the study leave budget.

See dates below:

2023 dates
Thursday 31st August - NEW Career ST1s ONLY
Tuesday 12th September
Tuesday 10th October
Tuesday 14th November
2024 dates
Tuesday 9th January
Tuesday 13th February 
Tuesday 12th March
Tuesday 9th April
Tuesday 14th May
Tuesday 11th June
Tuesday 9th July



This is a Regional Training Programme designed to supplement your training in years 3,4 & 5 and has been linked to the College Curriculum.

Attendance is mandatory and monitored.

The course is held on the second Friday of the month the venue being Birmingham Women’s Hospital.

Your Trust will release you for this protected teaching programme and the programme is funded through the study leave budget.

See dates below:

Friday 22nd September - ENTOG
Friday 6th October - BMOGS Kettering
Friday 10th November
Friday 8th December
Friday 12th January
Friday 9th February
Friday 8th March
Friday 12th April
BMOGS Date TBC for May
Friday 14th June
Friday 12th July


Masterclass Conferences

This is a Regional Training Programme designed to complement your training after intermediate training has been achieved and has been devised for trainees in years 6&7.

Attendance is mandatory and monitored.

Three conferences are held each year on various dates the venue being Birmingham Women’s Hospital.

Your Trust will release you for this protected teaching programme and the programme is funded through the study leave budget.

Click here for the Programme


Out of Programme (OOP)



O&G Rotations Guide
Please note that this rotations guide has been produced entirely by the West Midlands O&G Trainee's committee with assistance from the College Tutors. It is accurate only at the time of publication in Jan 22 and is only intended as a guide based on information provided to us. For specific unit level enquiries, please contact the relevant College tutor whose details are in the guide.
Page Last Updated 10 November 2023