If you wish to undertake a period of research, the opportunities on offer in the West Midlands are exceptional.


There are excellent opportunities for clinical and laboratory based research, and if you are interested, we will support you to apply for a fellowship to undertake a period of research during your training. The Deanery encourages out of training period of research. The recognised research may be within or out of Deanery.


Recent trainees have secured fellowships to undertake research in the fields of CLL, AML and leukaemia biology, platelet disorders and function, myeloma, clinical trials delivery, transplantation immunology.


For further information on the renal training program in the West Midlands please get in touch with the Training programme director Dr Joanne Ewing Joanne.ewing@heartofengland.nhs.uk or Joanne.ewing1@nhs.net. or Academic lead to STC Gillian Lowe, Gillian.Lowe@uhb.nhs.uk.


Academic fellows and Academic lecturers are supported and nurtured in the programme.





Page Last Updated 18th November 2020