From: General Adult Psychiaatry Curriculum, 2016 (RCPsych)
As a Higher Trainee in General Adult Psychiatry, you would be able to choose a special interest session of your own choice. You can choose to gain formal postgraduate qualifications such as certificates, diplomas, and masters as part of a special interest session. You can consider applying for study leave funding from Health Education West Midlands. Further details can be found in the General Adult Psychiatry Higher Speciality Training handbook.
Postgraduate academic programmes are independently run by each trust in the region weekly. Higher trainees are encouraged to teach medical students from Birmingham, Keele, Warwick Medical Schools and Aston University. There are prospects to apply for one of the Honorary Clinical Teaching posts via Post Graduate Medical Education, for the regional MRCPsych course. Regional training day for Higher Trainees for ongoing professional development is organised every month. Trainees can learn and polish their leadership skills by participating in organisation of these training days.
Ongoing psychotherapy experience in ST training across all sub-specialities is required to enable trainees to develop psychotherapeutic formulating skills in their area of clinical practice. Trainees can choose to experience a broad range of psychotherapy skills across the 3 years of ST training in different modalities, such as Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Behaviour Family therapy, Dialectal Behaviour Therapy, Cognitive behaviour therapy, Interpersonal therapy etc. Trainees are encouraged and well supervised to facilitate the Balint group for Medical Students and Core Psychiatry Trainees.