What is Required?
On calls are typically covering general medicine. They usually are on a full shift pattern with a combination of day and night shifts.
The medical registrar runs the medical take and offers support to the junior doctors on the team.
They also will be asked to review un-well patients with medicals problems under the care of other teams in the hospital including general surgery, Orthopaedics, and Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Being on call for general medicine is typically very busy but very rewarding and interesting.
On Call at the Liver Transplantation Centre
On calls at the Tertiary Centre for Liver Transplantation involves taking referrals from around the country within the catchment area of the Trust and providing specialist advice under the supervision of a consultant.
Patients may need to be transferred into bed in the unit from other hospitals so it may be necessary to decide who comes. These on calls also involved covering the intensive care unit and seeing patients before and after the liver transplant as well as covering a Junior Doctor covering the liver in patients in a ward setting.