The national Inter-Deanery Transfer (IDT) process was established by the Conference of Postgraduate Medical Deans (COPMeD), with support from the British Medical Association (BMA) and sponsorship from Health Education England (HEE), Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency (NIMDTA), NHS Education for Scotland (NES) and Health Education and Improvement Wales to support postgraduate doctors in training who have had an unforeseen and significant change in circumstances since accepting an offer of a post in training programme, or for those who, since accepting an offer, require a transfer.


In order to provide a consistent, transparent and robust process for all postgraduate doctors in training, the national IDT team will make all decisions on eligibility and allocations in accordance with the published guidelines and criteria. 


Please note that the IDT national team send out newsletters informing trainees when the window is open/closed/waiting list, availability of supporting documentation and any major changes implemented.  Anyone who subscribes to the newsletter will receive these messages.

The newsletter subscribing link is available within the website. Newsletter link as below: 


All of the required documentation, supporting documents, timelines and applicant guides are hosted on the National website:

Applications will now be made via the Post Graduate Medical and Dental Education (PGMDE) Support Portal. All FAQs are now hosted on the PGMDE website which can be accessed via:


Please note that if you are a West Midlands postgraduate doctor in training wishing to change your rotation/Zone, but remain in the West Midlands, this is not an Inter-Deanery Transfer, and will not be handled by the IDT process. Please discuss with your TPD in the first instance.