A Description of the Programme
The West Midlands has a long history of excellence in cardiology training with registrars not only from all over the United Kingdom but from all corners of the world.
The Deanery has four tertiary surgical centres and a transplant centre as well as a number of district general hospitals.
These give cardiology trainees experience of both tertiary centre and district general cardiology.
The West Midlands is proud of its multicultural diversity and therefore cardiology trainees will diagnoses and treat cardiac disease from all across the world.
The Training Cirriculum
Training within a deanery allows exposure to cardiology within large cities with inner city deprived areas as well as more rural and affluent areas.
Entry level is to cardiology ST 3, with the programme lasting to ST7 therefore a total of 5 years. Trainees will rotate every year through different hospitals to ensure well balanced training scheme.
Cardiology training lasts 5 years however can be split in to two main parts, the first being general or core cardiology (ST3-ST5) then sub speciality for the remaining 2 years (ST6-7).
The sub specialities are coronary intervention, electrophysiology, imaging, adult congenital diseases and cardiac devices.
Gain Additional Accreditation
Although most registrars opt to have a single accreditation in cardiology there is chance to obtain dual accreditation in general cardiology and general internal medicine.
The first 2 years of training will usually be within district general hospitals allowing trainees to gain experience in both basic cardiology and general internal medicine.
Professional Qualities of Prospective Trainees
- Cardiology trainees are expected on starting ST 3 year to have a valid Advanced Life Support certificate
- Trainees should also enrol the JRCPTB (Joint Royal College of Physicians Training Board), register and complete an IR(ME)R (Ionising radiation (medical Exposure) Regulations 2000) course as soon as possible
- Throughout training an up to date NHS e-portfolio with all relevant quality and quality of work based assessment must be maintained
- It is also the responsibility of all trainees to meet up with and arrange 3 (start, mid and end) work placement appraisals with their respective educational supervisor per year
- All trainees are expected to have completed and become members of the British Society of Echocardiography and to at least attempt KBA (Knowledge Based Examinations) examinations from the Royal College.by the end of core training (ST 5)
A Consultant-Led Training Focus
The West Midlands Deanery places a strong emphasis of training days that are consultant led for the registrars.
There are usually up to 7 mandatory training days for all trainee registrars. These allow cardiology curriculum subjects to be taught by experts within that field.
What a West-Midlands Training Programme also offers
West Midlands Deanery can also boast of trainee committee members from all hospitals within the Deanery and as a result trainees have a port of call if they face any training issues.
There also 2 deanery representatives that all registrars will meet within training days and can be easily contacted if any problems or questions arise
Finally the deanery also has excellent road, rail and air links - easily accessible nationally and internationally.