Training in the West Midlands

The West Midlands is the second largest Deanery in the country, geographically the largest. Therefore, rotations have been loosely based around the area surrounding the 3 Medical Schools, Birmingham, Keele and Warwick. The intake at ST1 is 20 per year. Overall there are 184 recognised posts for training.   The table shows which hospitals are affiliated to each of the hubs. The number of posts at each level is included and details on the College Tutor and their contacts can be found.
Each hospital has a College Tutor who has responsibility for ensuring education and training in O&G at that Trust. If you have any problems with your training you should seek the advice of your local College Tutor in the first instance.  They will advise you if there is a more appropriate person on the School Board which can deal with your specific enquiry.
The Head of School has overall responsibility for training in the West Midlands and is supported by Officers on the School Management Board which specifically deal with Assessment issues, Quality issues, Placements, Ultrasound Training, ATSM’s, Subspecialty Training, Academia and Less than Full Time. Details of the responsible officers for all these can be found on the following link:   School Management Board Link
We have excellent educational facilities on all of our sites and each hospital will have its own local teaching programmes and audit arrangements. Your College Tutor will be able to advise you of these.
The School of Obstetrics & Gynaecology has organised 3 Regional teaching programmes to address curriculum needs for years 1&2 and years 3 to 6. These programmes are mandatory and attendance is recorded. It is expected that trainees will attend 70% of available sessions. These courses are funded through the study leave budget with a capping of trainees individual allowance per year.
Details of the three training programmes: Click here for Training Programmes
Core and intermediate training is delivered in all our Trusts. Advanced training in year 6&7 is delivered in hospitals approved to deliver the RCOG ATSM curriculum.  Click here for ATSM
The West Midlands Postgraduate School of O&G Trainee's Committee have released a ATSM Completion Guide. Click here for the ATSM Completion Guidance
The Deanery is committed to delivering ultrasound scan training which is a core component of the curriculum. Click here for Ultrasound Training.



There are certain courses which are mandatory for training, details of which courses required for which stage of training can be found on the RCOG Training Matrix. 
Click here for Mandatory Courses and Study Leave


Trainees are expected to sign a Learning Agreement after successful appointment to the Training Programme. This Agreement commits the trainee to a programme of self learning within a structured training programme to enable the trainee to achieve appropriate milestones throughout. This commits the Deanery to provide robust means and processes for Education and Training and commits the trainee to participate actively in the Training Programme and self-directed development.
Study leave and professional leave as per HEE guidance 


Progress from one year to the next will be dependent upon successful assessment and ARCP’s
Each trainee will be able to discuss his/her training with the consultant(s) with a
Designated Educational Supervisor.  An induction interview and assessment taken
place within 2 weeks of starting each rotation. Each year there will be a formal
trainee interview (annual assessment) with the trainees Educational Supervisor. This
is to review progress.


Specialist Registrars will usually rotate on an annual basis according to the Rotations Policy. Click here for the Trainee rotations guide



Every Specialist Registrar is encouraged to join the Regional Trainee’s Committee.


a)  The trainee is responsible to the employing Trust and the Deanery.
b)  The appointee will be responsible for the care and day to day management of the patients of the consultant for whom he/she is working for at the time. When on call he/she will also be responsible for the patients of the other Consultants in the Unit.
c)  He/she will attend out-patients clinics, labour ward and theatre sessions as required and be responsible for routine admissions and preparations of discharge summaries.
d)  He/she will be resident “on call “.   The “on call” rota varies from post to post and will be available with the job description of each individual post. All rotas are European Working Time Directive compliant.
e)  The successful applicant will be expected to contribute to the supervision and education of medical students, other staff groups and more junior medical staff
f)   He/She will be required to play a full part in the educational activities of his/her Unit to contribute to medical audit.
g)  In exceptional circumstances the trainee will be expected to cover for colleagues who are absent at short notice.
h)  Undertake research, audit and self-education.
i)  Appropriate management duties would be, for example, organisation of the duty roster, attendance at Junior Staff Committee meetings and other hospital committee meetings where applicable.
Duties become more important and appropriate as the trainee progresses through the training scheme.


This must be co-ordinated with one’s immediate colleagues, with the approval of the person responsible within the trust who organises the rota. Local agreement for numbers for annual leave at any one time have to be honoured and National Terms and Conditions are adhered to.


Pay Bandings are in accordance with National Terms and Conditions and will recognise the European Working Time Directive. Training posts have the required approval and bandings will vary between trusts.


All training programmes are equally open to those who may, either from the outset or subsequently wish to train flexibly. 


The basic working week is 40 hours. In addition, the Specialist Registrars will be expected to undertake an out-of-hours commitment, which will vary depending on the duties of the post but will not exceed the limits defined in the Terms and Conditions of Service paragraph 20. Working must comply with the Working Time Directive. The out-of-hours commitment may change, and are the responsibility of the local Trust Hospital.


This appointment has been identified by the Authority as giving substantial opportunities for access to children in need of relatively lengthy in-patient care or significant contact on a one-to-one basis as out-patients. The preferred candidate for the post (after shortlisting and interview) will, therefore, be checked with the Police for possible criminal background in accordance with the provision contained in the Health Circular HC(88)9.
The checking procedure is completely confidential and checks will be made on the preferred candidate only and no other.




A twice yearly return to work workshop for postgraduate doctors in obstetrics and gynaecology returning from any period of absence (maternity leave, ill health, OOP) has been running since December 2016. This is a constantly evolving workshop led by Dr Ellen Knox along with Dr Sami Saba and Dr Rebecca Shields, all of whom have personal experience of returning to clinical practice from OOPR, OOPE and maternity leave. The workshop includes support around the practicalities of returning to training, clinical and guideline updates along with skills and drills scenarios.  Following attendance an optional WhatsApp support group is available to provide ongoing advice and guidance.

We recognise that returning to work can feel a very daunting and lonely time, and have experience supporting many postgraduate doctors in training (and non training grades) through this time. All attendees of the workshop have stated it improved their transition back into clinical practice, along with providing a friendly, approachable support network.  Please do contact us if you are returning to work or planning a period of absence so we can discuss your return(,,  The suppoRTT section of the HEE website is also useful for more generic advice.


PAY & T&Cs


Pay will be according to NHS Employers pay cicular. For more information check the link attached. 


Below is the link to our current NHS Employers National T&Cs.