There is ongoing continual assessment throughout training, as outlined below.
Work Placed Based Assessments (WPBAs)
Workplace place based assessments form an important part of assessing competency of trainees, and ensuring they are making satisfactory progress. Assessment are integrated into day-to-day work.
Some examples of WPBAs:
Trimming a specimen e.g. loop excision of cervix
Evisceration at autopsy
· CBDs:
Complex case requiring special techniques, such as immunohistochemistry
How to approach a major resection specimen
· ECEs:
Presentation of a case at MDT meeting
Presentation of autopsy findings
Fellowship of the Royal College of Pathologists Examinations
The exam is composed of 2 parts.
Part 1
This comprises MCQs and EMQs; the exam can be attempted in stage B of training.
Part 2
This is a 2 day practical exam which is taken in stage C of training (around ST4) which involves:
1. Macroscopic assessment of specimens
2. Evaluation and construction of reports for
a. Surgical specimens - long cases and short cases
b. Non gynae cytology specimens
c. Frozen section
The Royal college of Pathologists has undertaken a major review of cervical cytology and autopsy examination procedures to come in line with the requirements of the GMC. The first occasion for these new exams was spring 2012. The higher autopsy training exam is composed of two parts. Firstly autopsy technique is assessed at the candidates own mortuary by an external examiner. If this component is passed the candidate then takes a ‘viva - style’ and written exam at the College.
Website Updated 08.07.2021