PHEM training may be blended (mixing base specialty with PHEM training – Scheme A or B) or completed as a 12-month WTE block (Scheme C). A diagrammatic representation of the schemes is shown above. The West Midlands Deanery currently operates a blended ‘Scheme A’ PHEM training scheme. Scheme B is offered to some trainees after discussion with their parent specialty TPD. Scheme C used to be offered as a post CCT option, however this has been rescinded and can now only be undertaken during training period.


The deanery supports all training schemes (A, B or C) to be undertaken on a Less Than Full-time Training (LTFT) basis down to 70% of wholetime equivalence, however the number of posts and degree of LTFT practice are constrained by the training burden in the region and operational constraints of the base platforms.


Base specialty training is provided by a rotation between one or more of the adult Major Trauma Centre’s in the region; at UHNM in Stoke, UHB in Birmingham, and UHCW in Coventry.


All trainees initially undertake a four-week period of intensive Phase 1a training with classroom-based teaching, simulation, and curriculum-based specialty training, before undertaking an initial assessment of competency. This period includes a 7-day national residential induction course organised by the Intercollegiate Board for Training in Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine (IBTPHEM).   


PHEM Phase of training


Initial 1 month - whole time equivalent

100% direct Consultant supervision


Development 5 months - whole time equivalent

50% minimum direct Consultant supervision


Consolidation 6 months - whole time equivalent

20% minimum direct Consultant supervision




Phase 1a training is followed by a period of consultant-supervised operational training. Initially this will involve a minimum of 50% supervision (Phase 1(b) – Development Training), reducing to 20% supervision (Phase 2 – Consolidation Training). Trainees will be attached to one or more of the following platforms (LEPs – Local Educational Provider) during this time:





The PHEM training programme requires successful completion of two examinations, the Diploma in Immediate Medical Care at the end of Phase I(b) and the Fellowship in Immediate Medical Care at the end of Phase 2. Further details can be found on Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care website: Examinations - The Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care (


In addition to the training opportunities above, there is also the option to spend time attached to the ACCOTS (adult - Transfer Service ( and KIDS (paediatric - Home - KIDS NTS ( critical care transfer services. Funding is also available for trainees to attend regional and national courses tailored to the PHEM curriculum, covering areas such as Obstetric and Neonatal Emergencies, Pre-Hospital Surgical Skills and Transfer Medicine. Trainees are also encouraged to attend the various educational and governance meetings hosted within the region throughout the year. These opportunities are in addition to the active regional teaching programme, where PHEM trainees meet monthly to longitudinally review interesting cases, share learning and provide a support network for each other (often followed by a social drink!). 

Page Last Updated 20th May 2024