General adult psychiatry broadly covers adults of working age, with a wide range of disorders, including affective disorder, psychosis, and organic brain disorder etc. Training in West Midlands Deanery offers you an excellent opportunity to gain expertise in treating mental illnesses in a culturally diverse population.
Training in General Adult Psychiatry in West midlands will enable you to work in a wide range of subspecialties including Neuropsychiatry (based at the Barberry in Birmingham), Perinatal psychiatry (various posts across the region including community Perinatal psychiatry and dedicated Mother & Baby inpatient unit at Barberry in Birmingham and St. George’s Hospital in Stafford), Eating disorders (based at the Barberry in Birmingham and the Aspen Centre in Warwick), Early intervention, Assertive Outreach and Home Treatment Team throughout the region (Further details can be found in clinical placement section).
The Home Treatment and Assertive Outreach team models were pioneered in Birmingham and are still in use today; training posts are available in these subspecialties and in Early Intervention. There are plenty of opportunities to participate in exciting research projects in various fields such as Neuropsychiatry, Medical Education, and Psychopharmacology etc.
During ST5, you can apply for GMC approved Endorsement Programmes in Liaison, Addiction and Rehabilitation psychiatry.
Trainees can choose to specialise in a stand-alone General Adult Psychiatry post, there are opportunities to specialise in dual training posts in Old Age, Forensic Psychiatry and Medical Psychotherapy. The selection to dual or stand-alone post is via national recruitment.