The School of Psychiatry aims to maintain the highest standards of care with the welfare and safety of patients at the centre of everything we do.
Training in psychiatry is divided into Core Psychiatry Training, which is for a period of three years, followed by a further three years of training in a specialty area.
You can find out more about careers and training in psychiatry for medical students and foundation doctors, visit the Royal College of Psychiatrists. Training in Psychiatry can take many forms, for more information on the training pathways, please have a look here. Curricula for each training pathway can also be found here.
The school aims to help all trainees to come in contact with a wide range of specialties and develop a broad experience in psychiatry. Core training consists of six placements, each one lasting six months. Each placement is in proximal location to each other, in order to minimise unwarranted disruption and will give the trainee exposure to some of the other specialties through six month attachments. For more information please access Core Psychiatry Training.
Those in core training programmes will spend the full three years of core training in one of 5 clusters depending on the region of West Midlands that you are training in. There is the Staffordshire and Shrophsire cluster, the Black Country cluster, the Birmingham cluster, the Coventry and Warwick cluster and the Hereford and Worcester cluster. Each of the clusters is able to fully deliver the range of experience, including specialty experience in psychiatry that you will require for your core training, for its assessment and examination purposes. After the annual interview and selection process, successful applicants will be asked to express their preferences to inform the allocation. The key principles that will guide this allocation are your preferences and these will then be considered against your interview score and in some instances, your particular personal circumstances.
All posts are approved for training by GMC.