Becoming a Training Practice FAQ's
1. What is a training practice?
A training practice is one that provides training for GP trainees and has one or more approved trainers. Only NHS England approved training practices can train GP trainees. Practices can also be approved for other types of training (medical students, GP retainers, returners and foundation doctors) but we would encourage all practices to be approved to the standards of a training practice in the West Midlands.
2. How do I become a trainer?
Normally, you need to have been on the National Performers’ List for a minimum of 3 years, be permanently based at an NHS England approved training site, work a minimum of 4 clinical sessions per week at that site (5 if a solo-trainer) and hold the MRCGP qualification. You will also need to successfully complete an NHS England approved GP-trainer's course and be approved by the Area GP Education Committee before you can be accredited. We recommend that you speak to other nearby GP trainers, your locality Training Programme Directors and attend the local trainers’ workshop. They will explain what is involved. You should also make contact with your Area Associate Dean (AD), who will review and approve your application to become a trainer.
Here is the link to become a trainer:
Once you have completed an NHS England approved trainers’ course, you will need to show how you have begun to develop your skills and competencies as a GP educator through the development of a portfolio. You will meet with your area AD to discuss your achievements and to agree a personal development plan with respect to your role as a GP trainer. If all goes well, your AD will recommend initial approval as a trainer and your name will be submitted to the Area GP Education Committee for approval. Once approved, your local team of Training Programme Directors will arrange the placement of a GP trainee with you.
If your practice is not yet accredited as an approved training site, it will require the completion of an application form and a visit by a team led by your area AD to ensure that the facilities and learning environment provided by the practice meet the necessary standards.
3. What is the financial remuneration of becoming a trainer?
Practices with a trainee in-post receive a trainer’s grant. Trainers are paid for some educational supervision duties and may be eligible for professional development payments.
4. Do I need any further qualifications?
We encourage you to consider studying for a PG Cert in Medical Education as part of your professional development as a GP educator however this is optional.
5. What is educational supervision?
The completion of the RCGP ePortfolio is central to the workplace based assessment of GP trainees. The trainer to whom they will be attached in their final (ST3) year of their training usually becomes the educational supervisor from the start of their training. This involves remote monitoring of their ePortfolio and meeting every six months to carry out a formal review of the ePortfolio entries, make judgments about their progress towards the required competencies and complete an Educational Supervisor's Report (ESR).
6. What about continuing professional development?
Regular attendance at your local trainers’ workshop is helpful as you can share ideas and gain support from other new trainers and those with more experience. There are also regular trainers' study days organised by your local Associate Dean.
7. Where can I obtain further information?
Please contact the Faculty Support Team at