Midlands Quality Team
The East and West Midlands local quality offices work together to support the Midlands region, ensuring the quality of training and education. The Midlands Quality Team support the National HEE strategic goal for Quality ‘to assure and deliver, with partners, quality education and training that is rigorous, highly sought after and future focussed. HEE will listen to healthcare learners and work with partners to make lasting improvements to education and training’.
Quality Strategy and Framework
The HEE Quality Framework applies to the quality of all healthcare education and training of all learners across all clinical learning environments within which they are placed. The HEE Quality Framework underpins the HEE Quality Strategy and clearly outlines the quality standards we expect of clinical learning environments, safeguarded through the NHS education contract.
You can find the full Quality Strategy and Framework, as well as wider details, on the HEE National Quality website.
Quality Improvement
Emerging Concerns
The Midlands Quality team monitor and analyse intelligence received from a range of sources regarding the quality of clinical learning environments for healthcare learners. These sources include intelligence from internal and external stakeholders, the GMC National Training Survey (NTS) and National Education and Training Survey (NETS) data as well as by raising concerns directly to the Quality Team.
You can find out the process for raising a concern, including the contact details for the Qualiity Team here.
Where concerns are identified, these are risk assessed using the HEE Intensive Support Framework. The HEE Intensive Support Framework (ISF) is designed to enable the categorisation of concerns and provide support to address them. The ISF facilitates a graded approach to reporting and support, with strong collaboration and partnership working between quality teams, providers, specialty schools, programme leads and other relevant stakeholders in line with the HEE Quality Framework.
The framework underpins our policy on the suspension of postgraduate medical training in relation to serious concerns.
The Emerging Concerns protocol provides a process for health and social care organisations and regulators to share information that may indicate risks to people using services, their carers, families or professionals. The protocol strengthens existing arrangements, providing a clear mechanism for raising concerns and ensuring a collaborative approach to any proposed actions
Good practice
As well as offering support where quality education and training is not meeting the requirements set out in the Quality Strategy and Framework the Midlands Quality Team is also committed to improving quality across the clinical learning environment. Identifying and sharing good practice is a fundamental element in achieving high quality education and training as well as safe patient care.
If you have any examples of good practice, then please do share them with us using The HEE Midlands Good Practice Collection Tool.. By sharing with us your examples of this will allow us to develop a repository of good practice which can be shared across the HEE network.
Quality Intervention Review Reports
Reports from our Quality Interventions are published on the National HEE website and can be accessed here
Contact us
If you need to get in touch with the Midlands Quality Team you can email us using Quality.me@hee.nhs.uk