Health Education England working across the West Midlands (HEE WM) invites trainees who are in Foundation Year One Training posts in the West Midlands at the end of July 2021, to enter the 2021 Prize Award. The Prize is for two awards.

Prize Award 1 - Open award:

  • the award is for a written paper dealing with a topic connected with the doctor’s experience during Foundation Year One.  It must be the original work of the doctor.  Should the paper represent the work of two Foundation doctors, it can be submitted as a joint application 
  • the submission can take the form of a quality improvement activity, which could be a report on a series of patients with a critical discussion or possibly a single case report if it is of adequate significance and interest.
  • alternatively, the results of a series of investigations or a small research project or audit may be reported on
  • the submission should not exceed 3000 words (excluding references) and only one entry per trainee is permitted
  • there should be a maximum of five reference sheet included with the submission 

Prize Award 2 - for Compassion in Healthcare:

  • the Award is for a reflection demonstrating the doctor’s understanding of compassion and how they have shown this during Foundation Year One
  • the submission should not exceed 1500 words (excluding references)
  • only one entry per trainee is permitted
  • there should be a maximum of five references and a reference sheet included with the submission

         For both submissions: 

If your entry does not include ALL of these, your submission could be rejected:

a) Your paper or reflection should be typed, double spaced, on one side of the page and  include illustrations and references as appropriate

b) the submission should be accompanied by a cover sheet and signed by one of the consultants for whom the trainee has worked at the time referenced in their submission.  

c) The paper or reflection should be submitted to Health Education England working across the West Midlands by the extended date of  Monday 13th September 2021.  Please send your submission to The Faculty Support Team by email to with the subject heading FY1 Trainee Award 2021.

You may submit only one entry per award. The submissions will be judged by a panel of three assessors recommended by HEE WM and will include representation from each of the three Foundation Training Committees.  It is hoped that, as in previous years, the prizes will be presented at the Birmingham Conference the following year, at which time the winners will be invited to give a ten minute presentation of their winning paper. 

For information on last years winners, see the prize winners page 

Health Education England working across the West Midlands is grateful to the 1948 year of Birmingham Medical Graduates who generously raised & donated the main finances and to the Special Trustees of the former South Birmingham Health District Trust Funds for their kind contribution.


Page Updated on: 15 July 2021