Specialty training in Old Age Psychiatry (ST4-ST6) usually takes 3 years. During the programme trainees are offered 3 x 1 year posts or 4 x 1 year posts if undertaking training in dual training in both Old Age and Adult Psychiatry.
It is essential for trainee to show evidence that the core competencies are achieved on an ongoing basis throughout training and this would mostly done via e-portfolio. Each trainee will have The Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) to confirm that trainees undertaking speciality training are progressing satisfactorily; specifically that trainees are developing the required competencies, experience and skills at the expected rate and that the required evidence to support progression is present.
Trainees will get the opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge towards obtaining a Certificate of Specialist Training in Old Age Psychiatry. We have once a month peer group meeting where we will have a business meeting as well as take turns to organize teaching sessions.
There are many opportunities to undertake clinical, research, special interests and teaching in Old Age Psychiatry. Indeed, the West Midlands is one of the most established academic departments of Old Age Psychiatry in the country. We have a deep connection with the neighbouring universities, such as University of Birmingham, University of Warwick, Keele University and University of Buckingham
Throughout training there is regular support from the training scheme and educational supervision as well career support. To date trainees have been very successful in securing consultant posts, most often in the West Midlands but also elsewhere in the country and overseas.