“CSRH Specialty Training Programme is the most competitive specialist training programme in the UK. Launched in 2010, the Specialty curriculum in SRH aims to train a consultant workforce with the necessary leadership skills – and clinical skills - for community based Sexual and Reproductive Health services. It aims to produce medical consultants who are trained both to deliver specialist clinical care themselves; but also, to be highly-skilled systems leaders who provide leadership to the bulk of routine SRH care that comes from nurses, GPs, healthcare assistants or other professionals.”
CSRH in the West Midlands
Training Program Director – Dr Kulsum Jaffer Kulsum.jaffer@uhb.nhs.uk
Currently 5 CSRH training posts available in the West Midlands. 4 posts in Birmingham and 1 post in Wolverhampton.
In Birmingham the first 18 months of the post is based at Birmingham Women’s Hospital the rest of the post is based at the Umbrella sexual health service – part of University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust. The educational supervisor is Dr K. Jaffer.
In Wolverhampton the first 18 months of the post are based at Royal Wolverhampton NHS trust, New Cross Hospital Wolverhampton the rest of the post is based at the Embrace clinics. The educational supervisor is Dr S. Gupta
The Post
The post of specialist registrar in community sexual and reproductive health (CSRH) is a six year run through training programme.

Page Last Updated 18th January 2021