All registrars on the Public Health training scheme require:
- A 'Named Educational Supervisor', who is responsible for the overall supervision and management of a registrar's trajectory of learning and educational progress. They sign off Learning Outcomes within the portfolio, and are responsible for writing a report on the registrar's progress for the ARCP.
- A 'Named Clinical Supervisor', who is responsible for overseeing a specified registrar's service work throughout a placement. They sign off Activity Summary Sheets, and are responsible for providing a review of the placement to the educational supervisor.
The same person can act in both roles for a registrar. Both of these roles are specified by the GMC and FPH, and supervisors must meet appropriate standards to be approved to act in these roles.
Registrars may also be allocated:
- An 'Activity Supervisor', who is responsible for overseeing a specific piece of planned work. They can have responsibility for signing off activities, but the registrar remains the responsibility of the Named Clinical Supervisor
- An 'Academic Supervisor', who is responsible for assisting the registrar in preparing for the DFPH Examination, and in developing academic rigour through their service work and training trajectory.
Registrars in academic training required a named educational and clinical supervisor at all times, although an individual providing this supervision can also be acting as the academic supervisor.
Recognition of trainer process
It is imperative that educational and clinical supervision is only provided to trainees by GMC-recognised Educational and Named Clinical or Project Supervisors. If a supervisor is not recognised, the GMC could decide this period of training does not count towards CCT and the trainee would have to extend their training time. For trainees, it is equally important to check that their supervisors are GMC recognised, for every post. This information can be gained by asking the supervisor directly or by checking the GMC website.
Useful links
Page Updated 07/04/2021