As a community provider, what kinds of projects can the Team support us with?
· Building a case for a grant application to extend telephone befriending service
· Develop, implement and evaluate an educational intervention in schools to highlight the link between smoking and sight loss.
· Analysing the needs of a particular population group in order to improve services
· Planning a health improvement project
Project examples from previous years include:
· Focus Birmingham - A school based intervention to prevent uptake of smoking
· Sight Concern Worcester - Telephone befriending for people with sight impairment
· 2nd Chance - Wellbeing in prisoners, does sport help?
· Regional Action West Midlands - Mapping the voluntary and community sector workforce in delivering health & wellbeing services across the West Midlands
· Beacon Centre for the Blind - Meeting the needs of the Accessible Information Standard
· Midland Heart - Producing a Wellbeing booklet/toolkit for vulnerable homeless women based on health issues this population feel are relevant.
Other community partners include:
Black Country Housing Group, West Midlands Fire Service (Haden’s Cross), Sporta (Hereford), Worcester Community Trust, SPDC (Sandwell Parents for Disabled Children), Gro Organic (Solihull), Rooftop Group (Worcestershire), Compass Support (Birmingham), Livingstone House (Birmingham), Brushstrokes (Smethwick).
To discuss taking part, contact on 0121 695 2481 or email