West Midlands is the second biggest Deanery in the country, geographically the largest. Therefore, rotations have been loosely based around the area surrounding the 3 Medical Schools, Birmingham, Keele and Warwick. On average the intake at ST1 is 20 per year. We have nearly 200 O&G trainees recognised for training.
There are 48 posts at the level of ST1/2 and 114 posts at registrar level (including 4 Sub Specialty Training posts, one each in Feto-maternal Medicine, Gynae Oncology, Urogynaecology and Reproductive Medicine and 7 lecturer posts). Out of programme training, particularly in research, is encouraged and at any point in time we have up to 20 trainees out of programme. The School is very supportive of less than full time working with 30 trainees currently working less than full time.
The GMC regulate postgraduate medical training and define the standards for training posts. The Deanery School quality manage these posts using data obtained from GMC trainer and trainee surveys, JEST surveys and hospital site visits. The O&G curriculum is set by the RCOG Curriculum Committee and approved by the GMC. The School fully implement curriculum changes as they occur.
Further information:
Training Standards:
RCOG Curriculum
HEE West Midlands Postgraduate School of O&G: Training Prospectus
This document has been produced jointly by the School of O&G Management Board and the West Midlands O&G Trainees' Committee as a guide to doctors interested in O&G training in the West Midlands.
Please note that this rotations guide has been produced entirely by the West Midlands O&G Trainee's committee with assistance from the College Tutors. It is accurate only at the time of publication in Jan 22 and is only intended as a guide based on information provided to us. For specific unit level enquiries, please contact the relevant College tutor whose details are in the guide.
Coronavirus Updates
For up to date information regarding trainees and coronavirus, please see link below
LAST UPDATED 25/04/2022