Training Programme Directors
Higher (Stage 2 & 3) Training (ST 4-7): Dr Martin Minich
Core (Stage 1) Training : Dr Antonia Mayell
General Information
The Warwickshire School of Anaesthesia provides training in anaesthesia at the following hospitals:
- University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire, Coventry
- University Hospitals Birmingham – sites at Birmingham Heartlands Hospital, Solihull Hospital and Good Hope Hospital
- Worcestershire Acute NHS Trust- Worcester Hospital and Alexandra Hospital Redditch
- George Eliot Hospital, Nuneaton
- South Warwickshire NHS Trust, Warwick
In addition, training placements for senior trainees are available at the Birmingham Children’s Hospital and Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. Out Of Programme placements for Training (OOPT) outside the region or overseas can be approved.
Training and rotations are overseen by a programme director, one for core stage 1 level trainees and one for higher stage 2 & 3 level trainees. Each hospital has a college tutor, who manages training locally. Individual trainees will be allocated an educational supervisor in each placement. All trainees are expected to maintain a logbook and training record on the Lifelong Learning Platform of the Royal College of Anaesthetists.
Training is assessed using competence based tools, based around the curriculum published by the RCoA and approved by GMC. These include supervised learning events and multi-source feedback (MSF). Trainees have an annual review of competence and progression (ARCP) to determine whether progress is satisfactory and confirm eligibility to enter the next year of training.
For further information about the school, please visit the Warwickshire School of Anaesthesia website.
Page Last Updated 22nd April 2024