Welcome to Health Education England, working across the West Midlands recruitment webpage.

Specialty Recruitment This area provides details of all our vacancies and information about application process, to start searching for vacancies go to Round 1 under Sub Menu. For a full break down of how each Specialty will be recruited please visit Specialty Training website

You are also advised to read the Applicant handbook  thoroughly before applying before applying for any of the post detailed on the site



IMT Year 3 Rotations - 18 February 2019

IMTS1 is a three-year programme with IMY1 and IMY2 consisting of 3x4-month placements and IMY3 2x6-month placements, Intensive Care Medicine is undertaken as part of a placement in IMY2 and IMY3.


Please note speciality rotations are subject to change due to service reconfigurations, and changes in line with the shape of training. In the event of a change in rotation being required for these reasons, these will communicated as early as possible before a change takes place.


For trainees continuing in to IMY3 there will be a new preferencing/selection process in IMY2 to fairly allocate trainees to IMY3 training programme in 2020.


The West Midlands Region has been divided in to a number of geographies and at initial preferencing for IMY1 and 2 posts trainees will be aware of which posts (specialty, location and number are available in each geography. Choice of IMY3 post preferences will normally be restricted to the same region as IMY1 and IMY2 posts.


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Adverts Thursday, 31st October 2019
Applications Open From 10am, Thursday 7th  November 2019
Applications Close At 4pm, Thursday 28th November 2019
Interview Window Thursday, 2nd January 2020 - Friday, 6th March 2020
Initial Offers out By 5pm, Monday, 9th March 2020
Hold deadline At 1pm, Friday, 13th March 2020
Upgrade deadline At 4pm, Friday, 20th March 2020
Hierarchal deadline At 4pm, Wednesday, 25th March 2020


Adverts Thursday, 13th February 2020
Applications Open At 10am, Tuesday, 25th February 2020
Applications Close At 4pm, Thursday, 12th March 2020
Interview Window Monday, 6th April to Friday, 24th April 2020
Initial Offers out By 5pm, Tuesday 28th April 2020
Hold deadline At 9am, Friday 1st May 2020
Upgrade deadline At 5pm, Friday 1st May 2020 
Adverts Wednesday, 22nd January 2020
Applications Open At 10am, Wednesday, 29th January 2020
Applications Close At 4pm, Wednesday, 19th February 2020
Interview Window Monday, 2nd March to Wednesday, 22nd April 2020
Initial Offers out By 5pm Thursday, 23rd April 2020
Hold deadline At 1pm Wednesday, 29th April 2020
Upgrade deadline At 4pm Friday, 1st May 2020
Hierarchal deadline At 4pm Tuesday, 5th May 2020


Health Education West Midlands Specialty Recruitment Team Platform 21| 23 Stephenson Street | Birmingham | B2 4BH

Business Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm, Saturday-Sunday & Bank Holidays: Closed 

​england.specialtyrecruitment.wm@nhs.net    Queries will be responded to within 72 hours.