How will Training Days be Organised?
All day regional training days are held, which rotate through aspects of the GIM curriculum. 

The yearly programme includes 5 days at City Hospital which are free, 2 West Midlands Physicians Association ( days that rotate around the Region and 2 RCP days currently held at the Holiday Inn in Birmingham. 

The modest fees for the WMPA and RCP days can be claimed from the study leave budget. 

Trainees are expected to attend at least 4 out of the 9 days a year thereby accruing at least 100 hours of external CME over 5 years. These regional meetings also provide an opportunity to meet colleagues training in most medical specialties in the West Midlands. 

Trainees can attend SAM conferences or Acute/GIM courses run by the Hammersmith, RCP London etc in their final year or two if short on training days.