BMA Careers Services the following interview resources for its members:
BMJ Learning modules are targeted at helping you to be successful at job applications
Elton C, Reid J. The ROADS to success. Postgraduate Deanery for Kent, Surrey and Sussex; 2007. [Contains advice for interviews in general and guidance in approaching groups of questions that may be asked of you during interview]
Generic application and interview advice is found at:
Healthcare Republic has a GP career advice section that contains interview hints ant tips
Maity CK. Medical interviews and professional development. 2nd ed. Oxford: Radcliffe Publishing; 2006. Find a review of this book at: Hooke R. Medical interviews and professional development: an essential handbook for the junior doctor. BMJ Careers. 2007; 334: 156.
Southampton University School of Medicine and doctors in training at Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust have developed an online career resource for medical students and doctors in training in Southampton [contains information that is relevant UK wide]
The University of London Careers department present SORTIT you have to register (free) to use the site but then it stores your results for future review. Visit the “Implementing and self-marketing” tab for advice on job interviews.
MDRS Careers Strategy
To advise best practice and priorities for careers development within the UK Medical and dental workforce.