The West Midlands Learning Disability Scheme currently incorporates four NHS Trusts;

  • Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust (CWPT),
  • Birmingham Community Healthcare Trust,
  • Black Country Mental Health Foundation Trust,
  • Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust.


Placements during training

We are fortunate to have a wide range of posts in the scheme providing training in Psychiatry of Learning Disability and the subspecialties of Child and Adolescent Learning Disability Psychiatry (CAMHS-LD) and Forensic Learning Disability (FLD).

A maximum of five trainees at any one time are placed in Coventry and Warwickshire, two in Birmingham, two in Dudley and Sandwell and one in Worcestershire. Trainees can expect that at least one or two of their three years of training will be in a placement outside their current trust. 

The allocation of posts on the rotation depends on trainee preference and training needs.  The responsibility for allocation of posts rests with the TPD. 

Trainees will typically spend 2 years of the scheme in Psychiatry of Learning Disability posts and one year in subspecialty posts (this can be made up of 6 months in CAMHS-LD and 6 months in FLD or one year in either CAMHS-LD or FLD). 

 Trainees opting for a one year subspecialty post will need to gain experience in other subspecialty in their special interest sessions.  Subspecialty posts are popular in the scheme and often requested by more trainees than there are posts available.

-Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust- Community post

-Coventry and Warwickshire partnership NHS Trust;

  • Community post (Solihull and Coventry)
  • Inpatient general adult (SATS services, Brooklands Hospital)
  • Secure services (Brooklands Hospital)
    • Male (medium and low secure) Female (low secure).

-Rugby -Community post

-Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust- Community post

-Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Community post