Twitter Accounts
GP Education WMids @GPEducation
Information and support for trainees, trainers and GP educators in the West Midlands. Part of @healthed_wmids. RTs are not necessarily endorsements.
Health Education WM
We're responsible for healthcare education and training in the West Midlands. Part of Health Education England. RTs not necessarily endorsements.
NHS Health Ed Eng
We're the new national organisation that leads education, training and workforce development to drive the highest quality public health and patient outcomes.
Clare Gerada
Chair of Royal College of General Practitioners, largest College in UK, 46000 members. We promote clinical excellence in primary care.My thoughts are my own
GP and Patient Safety advocate. Chair-Elect RCGP. My views are my own.
RCGP @rcgp
The Royal College of General Practitioners is the professional membership body for family doctors in the UK and overseas.
The British Journal of General Practice is an international journal publishing articles of interest to family practitioners & primary care researchers worldwide
BMJ - British Medical Journal aims to lead the debate on health, and to engage doctors, researchers and health professionals to improve outcomes for patients.
Clare J Taylor
Academic GP and First5 Clinical Lead. Passionate about excellence in general practice.
Trisha Greenhalgh
Doctor and academic
Ben Goldacre
Doctor, nerd cheerleader, Bad Science person, stats geek, procrastinator
Roy Lilley
Health writer and commentator
Atul Gawande
Surgeon, Writer, Researcher, Dilettante.
Ben Riley
Curriculum Director
@RCGP; Author of The Condensed Curriculum Guide & The Social Media Highway Code. Posts are for interest only, not professional advice!
Margaret McCartney
evidence, professionalism, politics, screening, risk, ethics, NHS, general practice. Radio 4's #insidehealth, BMJ. Patient Paradox
Jonathon Tomlinson
East London GP, tutor and outspoken patient advocate, medical sceptic and policy critic. Electable man @rcgp
Medical Humanities
Centre for Medical Humanities at Durham University Tweets by
@literarti @felicitycallard @willviney
Sabena Jameel
GP, Medical Educator/Associate Dean, mum of 3. PhD student (Education). Seeking Eudaimonia for all. Views or opinions expressed are solely those of the author.
Kate Granger
Wife, daughter, sister, aunty, friend, doctor, patient and author. Always trying to look on the bright side of life...
John Launer
Doctor, educator, family therapist, writer. 30 years as an NHS GP. Excited by narrative medicine, evolution and most things in between. Associate editor
Martin Brunet
General Practitioner, GP educator, blogger and amateur artist. Passionate about patient-centred care and meaningful communication.
AnneMarie Cunningham
GP, Clinical Lecturer and EdD student... interested in everything:) Determined not to be one of the sheep.
Richard Lehman
Ancient English GP. All medical data should be open and shared. Use your right brain to make a better world for yourself and others. Have fun.
John Appleby @jappleby123
Chief economist, The King's Fund. Visiting professor, Department of Economics, City University, London. Columnist, British Medical Journal
PulseToday @pulsetoday - Medical news, views, education and clinical information to GPs, nurses and other health professionals.
GP Update @GP_Update
GP Update Ltd is run entirely by GPs to bring you up to speed on the latest issues, literature, research and guidelines. Dr James Cave is behind our tweets