How can I get involved in HEE and help shape and develop training? The answer – the PDTEF!

What is the purpose of the Postgraduate Doctors in Training Engagement Forum (PDTEF)?

The PDTEF (formally known as LTEF) was established in 2021 to improve engagement of postgraduate doctors in training with the work of HEE. It represents the voice of the postgraduate doctor in training at a regional and national level. The local PDTEF will contribute to the National Trainee Engagement Forum (NTEF).

Through representing the voice of the postgraduate doctor in training, the forum aims to provide a platform for sharing good practice, provide a mechanism for directional communication between HEE WM and doctors in training and improve the quality of training within the region.

What are the aims of the PDTEF?

  • Seek to share examples of good practice across the region in relation to doctors in training education and wellbeing.
  • Innovate and brainstorm ideas on matters relevant to training which may cross different training programmes or Schools.
  • Identify training issues which require escalation above the level of School board and training placement provider.
  • Attempt to resolve highlighted issues locally through discussion with Associate Dean / Postgraduate Dean, prior to escalation to a national level.
  • Seek doctors in training feedback on proposed changes to educational policy / process within the remit of HEE.
  • Provide a two way communication / exchange of ideas between PDTEF and NTEF.

What the PDTEF is not?

  • A mechanism to circumvent the usual methods of raising concerns, for example through employers, College Tutors, Training Programme Directors, School boards, Guardians of Safe Working or Freedom to Speak up Guardian.
  • A forum to raise personal issues or difficulties related to an individual doctor in training. This will need to be escalated via their own educational supervisor in the first instance.
  • An alternative way to communicate HEE matters nor a HEE policy making board.
How can I input to the PDTEF?
  • Postgraduate doctors in training can relay issues to their School PDTEF representatives, who can in turn raise issues to be discussed in the meeting via email to
  • An up to date list of representatives can be found here.
  • Postgraduate doctors in training can email to add an item to the agenda via an email to
  • Postgraduate doctors in training can also attend the PDTEF meeting by requesting Meeting invite via an email to

Information that we feel is important and relevant for all postgraduate doctors in training that was discussed through the PDTEF will be fed back through the Reps, but also through the WM Doctors in Training Bulletin – links to these can be found here

Next Meeting Dates: 

  • 10 October time TBC
