The Annual Review of Competence Progression is the process conducted to confirm that trainees undertaking speciality training are progressing satisfactorily; specifically that trainees are developing the required competencies, experience and skills at the expected rate and that the required evidence to support progression is present.
It is designed to review evidence and arrive at a judgement (known as an outcome) of progress. This process is normally carried out on an annual basis however depending on the need to assess a trainee’s progress an ARCP can sometimes take place more than once per year.
Form R
A completed Form R must be submitted via TIS Self Service approximately 2 weeks prior to your ARCP. Form Rs are no longer accepted via any other format.
How to use the system:
You will need to set up an account in TIS Self Service by following the below sign-up process. You will only need to do this once for the initial set up. Please use the email address you have received communication on for sign up. If that email address is not the one you want HEE to contact you on, please contact so we can update TIS.
To sign up:
1. Navigate to
2. Sign-up using the email address we contacted you on.
3. Complete and submit your Form R parts A & B
For further information on TIS Self Service: