What your portfolio should include
Portfolios can be developed and used with the following aims
- Continuing professional development
- Enhanced learning
- Assessment
- Evaluation
- Certification and re-certification
- Career advancement
Maintaining a portfolio
It is up to you to maintain and develop your own portfolio. Increasingly, electronic portfolios and portfolio resources are being introduced:
- Online portfolios
- BMJ Learning and Doctors.net.uk
- Assist with recording personal development plan and progress towards achieving targets
- Provides printable certificates to use as evidence of successful completion of on-line learning modules
- BMJ Learning Foundation Programme
- Includes electronic versions of assessment and appraisal forms for Foundation Doctors
Despite the existence of electronic portfolios you must also maintain a paper portfolio
- You cannot take a computer to an interview with you
- You cannot totally rely on electronic resources of any type – always keep a paper back-up or print out of important information
You must present your paper portfolio well:
- Have it presented in a folder or bind it
- Clearly order it and index the order
- Briefly summarise the contents
- Print it with a high quality setting and on high quality paper