Proposed framework for Public Health Supervision in the West Midlands


The West Midlands Postgraduate School of Public Health recognizes the continuity of professional development in medical education across the consultant career. The role of Educational and Clinical Supervision is core to the training of Specialty Registrars, in addition to supervision of trainees in other post-graduate medical training. In addition, Activity or Project Supervisors – people with expertise in specific elements of Public Health, but not necessarily Consultants - may support Specialty Registrars with specific projects.




Becoming a supervisor


To apply for recognition as a supervisor, Consultants in Public Health must:

  • Fulfil the FPH requirements for educational supervisors

  • Have current local training around equality and diversity

  • Have the supervisor role specified within their Job Plan


Step 1: The application form for recognition as a Public Health Supervisor can be found here:

Apply to become an Educational/Clinic Supervisor


Step 2: Contact Public Health Support to book onto a NEW Train the Trainer Course, date is: 

17th October 2024

Please contact us on the below email to book onto this course, you will then be emailed a registration link:


Step 3: Once you have attended the course, you will be formally approved as an ES/CS, and will be added to our register.

Step 4: Yearly -  In order to maintain your status you will need to attend an update session (lasting half a day) for each of the four training themes within a three-year period. Within each 12-month period, three update sessions for each of the four training themes will be delivered – supervisors are therefore able to choose a suitable date, below are the dates:


Thursday 27th June 1.30-4.30pm

Promoting quality in training

Half day, virtual

Wednesday 17th July, 9.30-1.00pm

Facilitating learning via feedback

Half day, 23 Stephenson Street

Wednesday September 25th 1.30-4.30pm

Supporting trainee progress

Half day virtual

Wednesday 23rd October 1.00-5.00pm

Supporting trainees experiencing difficulty

Half day, 23 Stephenson Street

Thursday 17th October 2024

ES initial training

All day, in person

Wednesday 13th November 1.30-4.30pm November

Developments in WM specialty training Programme

Half day, virtual

12th December 1.30-4.30pm

Quality in training

Half day, virtual


Please complete the below form to book onto any of the above courses:

Book Here

Step 5: Yearly you will need to complete the annual survey which can be found here, this is to ensure your details are up-to-date: Annual Survey.


Equivalent training (outside of West Midlands)


If an equivalent course has been undertaken outside of West Midlands, the prospective ES/CS should forward the course details and an attendance certificate to

Upon receipt of this information, the team will seek DME approval for the supervisor’s name to be added to the West Midlands’ Supervisor Register.



Step 6: Every 3 years you will need to complete the re-validation survey which can be found here: Re-validation Survey.




Page Last Updated 29/05/2024