ARCP Checklist
1. At least 40 WBA's throughout the year: at least 50% must be by consultants
2. PBA's strongly recommended
3. Complete 3 AED meetings each rotation
4. Need CS report for each rotation (can be more than 1 CS per rotation)
5. Completed Learning Agreements
6. Completed Audit Cycle by CT2 - audit must have defined standard for comparison
7. At least 1 completed MSF
8. 3 JCST surveys for the year
9. 1 JEST survey
10. GMC Survey
11. Upload certificates for all relevant courses e.g. ATLS ALS BLS CCrISP etc
12. Provide evidence of conferences attended and presentations
13. Provide evidence of research work and publications
14. Must complete the MRCS by CT2
15. eLogbook:
Must log every case participated in
If you perform a part of the procedure then log as 'supervised - trainer scrubbed/unscrubbed'
Assisted essentially means that you did not actually do any part of the procedure!
16. Up to date CV