Not sure if you have the balance right? Want to know if you could do more to better maintain you, your body, spirit and mind? Complete Are you maintaining yourself as a whole and your mind, body and spirit to help you to answer these questions.
Use Windmills online to take a fresh look at your life; understand what is really important to you; picture the kind of life you want and then show you how you can achieve it, creating a future that inspires you.
Use Lifeline review to help you discover what have been the factors behind good career decisions. Complete this baring work-life balance issues in mind.
If you need help evaluating your work-life balance or want assistance in improving it, Mentoring, coaching and counselling may give you some ideas on where to obtain this help.
Think about you and your partner’s careers and aspirations. If you are in a serious relationship, ensure you make career decisions together. You have various options, regardless of whether your partner is a doctor or not, for example:
- Decide that one should take the career lead – it is difficult to get the job of your dreams, it is even more difficult for two people to get the job of their dreams in the same place at the same time. If it is possible to make a joint job application be aware that the applications will be considered on the attributes of the weakest applicant.
- Agree that you are both happy to live apart if you both want to pursue your own careers.
This is a personal decision that only you and your partner can make, just make sure you consider it.
Online modules contains the following Continuing Medical Education modules
- Smooth operator – staying sane in the busiest jobs
- Work-life balance
BMJ Learning contains a number of modules to help you to evaluate and improve your work-life balance
Luminessence Coaching for professional and/or business women who have caring responsibilities and want to better balance their lives. The Luminessence coach is a former full-time GP who now is an Executive and Life Coach, part time GP and mother to 3 sons.
Sedgwick E. How to achieve a work-life balance. BMJ Careers. 2007; 334: 90.
WorkSMART contains information on work-life balance