Trainees in surgery should be allocated to approved posts commensurate with their level of training and appropriate to the educational opportunities available in that post (particular consideration should be given to the needs of less than fulltime trainees). Due consideration should be given to individual training requirements to minimise competition for educational opportunities.
Trainees in surgery should have at least 2 hours of facilitated formal teaching each week (on average). (For example, locally provided teaching, regional meetings, annual specialty meetings, journal clubs and x-ray meetings).
Trainees in surgery should have the opportunity and study time to complete and present one audit project in every twelve months. (The requirements for audit vary for each surgical specialty. Please refer to the designated specialty for details).
Trainees in surgery should have easy access to educational facilities, including library and IT resources, for personal study, audit and research.
Trainees in surgery should be able to access study leave with expenses or funding appropriate to their specialty and level of training.
Trainees in surgery should complete a minimum of 40 WPBAs per year, with an appropriate degree of reflection and feedback, the mix of which will depend upon their specialty and level of training.
Trainees in surgery will be assigned an educational supervisor and will have negotiated a learning agreement within six weeks of commencing each post.
Trainees in surgery should participate in operative briefings with use of the WHO checklist or equivalent.
Trainees in surgery should have the opportunity to receive simulation training where it supports curriculum delivery.