Out of Hours Training

GP Specialist Trainees (GPSTs) must be competent in the provision of urgent and unscheduled care in order to attain a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT). The assessment of UUC is undertaken by the Educational Supervisor and any experience in Urgent Care is evidence for competence. OOH experience is a good source of evidence but there is no longer a requirment for a set number of hours.  Educational supervisors must be able to sign off their GPST as being competent in their final educational supervisor review.

Some of the experience can be gained in different contexts, for example walk in centres, A&E services under the supervision of a GP Clinical Supervisor, ambulance services and GP/ Primary care based OOH Palliative care. In the event that the GPStR is attached to these alternate OOH service providers the Trainer of the GPStR takes Clinical and Educational governance responsibilities unless the supervisor in these alternate providers is a HEE(WM) approved OOH Clinical Supervisor. 

Page Updated 20.04.2021
