The ARCP (Annual Review of Competence Progression) provides a formal process that uses the evidence collected by the trainee, relating to their progress in the training programme. It is undertaken on at least an annual basis for all trainees in specialty training, and it will enable the trainee, the Postgraduate Dean and employers to document that the competences required are being gained at an appropriate rate and through appropriate experience. The process may be conducted more frequently if there is a need to deal with performance and progression issues outside the annual review. It is not in itself a means or tool of assessment.


The ARCP process is governed by the Gold Guide and is applicable to all specialty trainees, whether training full or less than full time, those in academic programmes and those out of programme.


All trainees should refer to the relevant and most up to date RCOG Training Matrix (check the RCOG website for the most up to date version) when preparing for ARCP.



The West Midlands School of O&G holds two ARCP sessions each year, the main one in June and a smaller one in December. Occasionally ARCPs may be required between these in exceptional circumstances.


The ARCP dates for 2022/2023 are: 


e-Portfolio Reviews

Friday 02 December 2022

Monday 05 June 2023

Tuesday 06 June 2023 

Wednesday 07 June 2023



ARCP Outcome Feedback Meetings

(TBC) January 2023

Friday 07 July 2023



Deadline for uploading evidence for ARCPs


ARCPs are held virtually with the panels needing to pre-read the ePortfolios prior to the ARCP date.

Therefore, the DEADLINE for uploading evidence prior to the start of the ARCPs is no later than TWO WEEKS before the date of the first ARCP in that session.




Further information About the ARCP Process-How to Succeed


Before ARCPs, trainees should all ensure that they have completed an educational supervisor’s report (this is necessary even if you are OOP as your supervisor MUST provide feedback on your activities out of programme) and prior to every ARCP, you must get ALL of your CiPs assessed. This is important even if they have been assessed as meeting the standard previously as you should upload at least one piece of evidence per CiP per year during every single year of training. Other evidence should be linked to the relevant CiPs and shared so available for the assessors to review.


Where a clinical competence is specified, the trainee should provide at least three competent OSATS in that skill by at least two different assessors one of whom must be a consultant. All three must be available for review by the panel and if these are in your ZIP file, they should be downloaded and uploaded separately to the eportfolio then linked so they can be viewed.


Watch out for notifications on GMC, NETS and TEF surveys. Participation in programme feedback is required for satisfactory ARCP outcome. Be sure to get a receipt or screenshot your completion notification when you fill these out.


Certain requirements are not specified in the Matrix but must be provided to achieve a satisfactory ARCP outcome. All trainees must provide:

  • a BLS form that is in date at the time of ARCPs (ie was completed less than 12 months prior to the date of ARCP),
  • an up to date curriculum vitae (with all posts in dd/mm/yy format)
  • a CCT calculator
  • Form R (both parts)
  • Evidence of attendance at regional teaching (minimum 50% attended to pass)
  • 2 x TO2 per training year


Other items should be provided as per training year. Where they should be linked is specified below:


CiP to link to

Key Skill

  BLS certificate


  Manages Maternal Collapse

  (CiP 1, ‘provides treatment’ can additionally be linked but not instead of)

  Curriculum vitae


  Commits to continued learning

  GMC survey completion


  Effective teaching

  Audit or QI project


  Effective Use of QI in practice

  MRCOG certificate or pass letter


  Commits to continued learning



  Team working

  CTG training (ST1)


  Manages intrapartum fetal surveillance

  STEP Up (ST2)


  Manages emergency birth, postpartum problems

  USS Courses and OSATS


  Manages fetal concerns

  Leadership and Management


  Leadership Skills

  Third Degree Tear Course


  Manages emergency birth, postpartum problems

  PROMPT or equivalent


  Interprofessional Learning

  Research reports (OOPR, academics)


  Research Skills

  Form R


  Participates in Clinical Governance Processes

  Teaching attendance


  Commits to continued learning

  ATSM certificates

11 or 12

  Dependent whether obstetric or gynaecological



Please ensure that your portfolio is correct ie it has your correct name, post, year and hospital/location on. It should also contain your GMC Number and NTN. If these are not there, please update it so they are.


Be sure to look out for and read all communications from the Assessments Team. These contain important information about your ARCPs.


If you have queries, please contact the assessments Team at HEE






Page last updated 14th October 2022