Please be aware that unless you provide ALL of the following information for your study leave application, we will not be able to process your payment. All study leave claims can only be claimed retrospectively; to view the pre-approved courses please open the study leave form below and you will find a list under the title: Course.
- A completed study leave application form (please download and save before completing and submitting)
- Proof of course payment
- Proof of attendance or certificate
- Receipts for any expenses incurred that are being claimed (not including mileage)
Study leave guidelines are:
HEE may fund course fees providing the following criteria are satisfied:
- It is a core RCGP curriculum content
- The learning need is clearly defined in the trainees PDP in advance of the event
- Similar learning could not be achieved in the Region/UK
RCA Recording Minutes
We would like to support trainees in their preparation for the assessment by allowing the cost of up to an additional 800 minutes of recording time to be reclaimed via study leave. Any minutes above this would need to be purchased at your own expense.
It is important to note and be aware that these are recording minutes and not a storage limit ie deleting a consultation does not free up additional time for recording.
International Study Leave
For International study leave requests, the guidelines above should be followed along with further details which can be found here where you will also be required to complete the International study leave application form.
Approval and Process
Trainees (including academic trainees) should use local processes with the training practice or hospital Trust to apply for study leave days, but study leave funding is paid by the lead employer. Applications for reimbursement of study leave expenses should be claimed via the GP School by completing the GP Study leave application form.
Please make sure all sections of the form are completed as this can cause a delay in processing
Guidance on how to claim can be found in the following document: GP Study Leave Process Flowchart
For further guidance on claiming study leave, please see the GP Study Leave FAQs
Study leave is only available to meet the competencies of the MRCGP curriculum and must have an appropriate PDP objective in the trainee e-Portfolio prior to the study activity and learning log entry afterwards. Online AKT and online RCA courses will be approved, however, trainees are limited to one per year and a maximum of £500.00 can be claimed for the course fee. Multiple courses will not be approved. Online subscriptions cannot be claimed.
For GP Trainees in the West Midlands, study leave forms or any study related queries must be received by HEE at the following email address: within one month of the expense.
In the West Midlands, Study Leave funding will be agreed on an individual claim evaluation process. ACF's are reminded that funding towards a masters/diploma is included in their training costs to the university and enquiries should be made to their academic supervisors on access to such support.
“For more information and guidance on claiming study leave, please refer to the National Study leave guidance located here.”
Travel to the AKT and RCA examinations is allowable as a legitimate employer's travel expense for professional leave, this includes overnight accommodation for morning only RCA assessment. Exam fees cannot be reclaimed. Trainees must follow the normal HEE WM study leave process (detailed above). HEE WM will then submit these expenses to Lead Employer for trainee reimbursement.
In order to support this preparation, the GP School will permit a maximum of 5 days of the study leave allocation to be used for private study and examination preparation each year. This should be used sensibly in good time for maximal effect.
Travel to a course
Travel to an approved study leave event can be claimed on the study leave form above. Trainees are reminded not to duplicate travel claims by claiming both from their employer and study leave as this could lead to an investigation by the NHS Fraud Department.
If you wish to appeal a decison made against your study leave request, please complete and submit the study leave appeal form located here and submit to
Page last updated 12th November 2021