The FRCPath Examination

The FRCPath examination is split into two parts. 


Part I
Part I is theory based focusing on the underpinning basic sciences and clinical scope for haematology and most registrars sit this at the end of the second year. The exam is held twice a year in March and September and consists of a multiple choice paper and essay paper. The Royal College of Pathologists ruling is that the examination must be passed within a maximum of 4 consecutive sittings of the exam.


Part 2
Part 2 is clinical and laboratory skills based, involves both written and viva examinations and is sat after 5-6 years. It is split into morphology short and long papers with examination and interpretation of microscopic slides, a transfusion paper and a coagulation paper followed by viva examnations. This are again held twice a year (spring and autumn). The elements of the examination need to be passed within the same sitting.

In the run up to the Part 2 exam, many of the consultants take an active role in providing you with morphology skills practice, tutorials and practice vivas.


Further Information

The full examination regulations are detailed on the Royal College of Pathologists website


Training Results


Results of the Deanery trainee surveys (JEST) and national GMC surveys have been excellent in recent years.


Examination success has been considerable and the West Midlands trainees have performed exceptionally highly in FRCPath in recent years with the support of the trainers on the programme.

The STC has an appointed Examination lead to help co-ordinate and signpost opportunities for preparation to trainees and highlight sources of support.




Page Last Updated 18th November 2020